Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 14


If you do not love yourself, no one will ever love you. Furthermore, you will never be happy. Every conflict between the mind and the Soul shows negatively on your physical appearance and on your character. As a consequence, you move to worse and worse lifelines. Before searching for qualities in others, improve your own self. Feel how the pendulums force you to reject your uniqueness and compare yourself to the others. You will inevitably fail, comparing yourself to others. You are your own self and so, accept yourself with your flaws. Then you take your right to be a creator of your life.


The more you get trapped by pendulums, the more you will hate yourself and worship others. Lowering your own importance to raise the importance of someone else is excess potential. External importance occur when I believe the standard, set by someone else, is the peak of perfection. Internal importance occurs when I neglect myself to follow others' standards. To love yourself - stop worshiping others and accept yourself. How is preventing you from creating your own standards? Let others follow you.

I am so happy that this year I had been a Creator of my own life and the year had been perfect for me. Of course, I look at the pics of others on Facebook (etc.) and start thinking that I could do more, be more, etc. etc. Let say, only know my brother told me his girlfriend is going to spa, and I thought, oh why other people get to go to spas, but not me?! But the reality is that I am happy as I am because I do the things which I consider to be important in life. I stay with my child, I spend time with my family, I spend time with me. I am going to my friends bday tonight, and I will be spending a nice family New Year Eve in a traditional way. Happy! And thank you , my world, and my layer of world for all the best things I had this year. It has been so cool!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 13

 Charm of the Soul

What is the secret of charming people? They have removed all negative slides from their heads and have focused only on the positive. Charm is love between the mind and the soul. Charming people are happy people, who love themselves, but are not bighead-ed. They enjoy life and other people sense exactly this love that shines from these people. Those people are rare, but you can be one of them if you start to love yourself, to listen to your Soul and to take action in the physical world towards your goal. In the process, your face and body bought will become more attractive as you will raise your vibrations.

The secret of attractive people is the union mind/soul. Those people do what they love, they love life, they love themselves and because they live according to their Creed, love shines through them. Others detect that and are immediately attracted to such people.
Charm is the energy released from the union mind/soul. By doing energy exercises, you can increase your energy and "donate" some of it to other people, which will make you subconsciously attractive in their eyes. Successful people do have excess of free energy. Of course, self -love releases free energy but not only. The energy exercises are a must as well. Another power technique is this thought, given by Zeland: I am full of free energy. My energy becomes more powerful each day. I am pure energy source. People sense my energy level and feel sympathy towards me." When you do this technique and see it is working, do not forget to affirm to yourself that the technique is working. You need to affirm to stop the mind from doubting.

Cause I got something to believe in
As long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Cause I got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me

I can do it all, open every door
Turn unthinkable to reality
You see I can do it all and more

 The words of this song are just so perfect. And the fact that Dima Bilan (the singer) went to Eurovision contest for the second time (he became a runner up a year before and had won the contest with this song the year after) turns the positive notes in my soul and makes me think that I can do it all, open every door! Because I believe in me...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 12


While you exist in a balance with the surrounding world, your life will be easy. You will materialise your goals without big effort on your part. However, if you start raising the importance and releasing excess potential, your life becomes a fight with the equilibrium forces. When you determine your goal, lower its importance - nothing is as important as it looks, your goal included. When you lower the importance, the obstacles will disappear and the problem will get solved. Do not try to fight your problems - lower the importance!


In the world everything aims at balance. Where excess potential appears, the equilibrium forces appear. When you raise the importance, you get the opposite of what you wanted. For example, when you dislike yourself, all your effort is directed at hiding your flaws. Thus, you raise the importance, which activates the equilibrium forces. This "forces" the Universe to use them to send you to line of life, where your flaws overshadow you positive qualities. However, when you lower the importance, do not overdo it. Lowered importance is not as the same as underestimation or ignorance. You need to see the world as simple. Accept reality the way it is and then, aim at changing it. Lowering external and internal importance also does not mean amenability and abasement. Accept yourself as you are.

I am someone who loves balance. I love "win-win" situations. I do not think competition is wise. I wish there we all could be winners. But in our society for the moment the culture of rival is dominating. And because it is so massively cultivated, all around me, I feel it is hard to stay away from it. But I will do my best.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 11

P.S. The weather started to react :)


In order to receive confidence, you need to give it up. Lack of confidence comes from raised importance. You do not need confidence when there is nothing important to fight or protect. In this state, there is nothing to worry about or fear. So, if nothing has importance for me, I am free and I let go of all fight. I just swim with my current (flow) in the space of variation and I take from the world what I want. This leads to natural confidence that all is as it should be, as I am a Creator of my world.


Lack of confidence creates a vicious cycle. The more you raise importance, the more you desire, the more lack of confidence grows!!! The more you try to control reality, the more you cannot move in the time space continuum; the more you fear and worry, the more you get justification of them. The more you fight for your self importance, the less free energy you have. So, how to escape this cycle? In no way you can escape…… The Secret is that the cycle will disintegrate itself when you stop searching for an Exit and lower the importance of things. Stop fighting for importance and you will get it. Stop justifying your actions in front of other people and will get rid of feeling of guilt. Stop idolizing people, events, etc and they will stop controlling you with their importance. Finally, unite your mind and Soul to receive coordination of intention.

To do this, live according to your Creed.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

This song, sang by my two year old, has such a deep meaning. Even my mum said this is so very true. Because we all are just dreaming, gently rowing our boat down the stream will lead to the optimal result.

The weather today and in coming days is so wonderful :) Sunny and frosty! Just what we need for Christmas mood.

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 10


You shall receive all you want if only you believe it is your 100%. Your choice is a law! Of course, your determination to have is based on your ENERGY of intention. All excess potential takes away a lot of your free energy and what is left is not enough to move you in the time space continuum. You need to LOWER the importance. Nothing is as important as it seems. Slide and calmly walk towards your goal in the physical world. Why worry? You declared to the Universe it is your and so it shall be.


1. How not to fear? By getting a back-up plan 
2. How not to worry? By acting - the excess potentials are scattered by movement in the physical world 
3. How not to hope or desire? By putting up with failure beforehand and act nonetheless. 
4. How to give up the importance? By accepting it being a part of you and giving up actions, leading to its raising 
5. How not to get molested or irritated? By playing up with the pendulum. Acting illogically, you do not resonate with its vibrations anymore and it leaves you alone 
6. How to get rid of feeling of guilt? By not justifying your actions to other people. You are a Creator of your world and your actions are none of other's business 
7. How to deal with pain and hurt? By quitting the fight with the others and moving along YOUR current in life 
8. What to do if you cannot deal with pain and hurt nonetheless? Just allow yourself this weakness. You cannot win all the time 
9. How not to give in to the pressure of problems? By using coordination of intention 

It would be great if I could have a back up plan for my life. But at least for my this special wish this year I have a back up plan.

At this very particular  period of my life I realise that:
1. Everyone is different and unique. What is good for one person, may absolutely not suit to another one. As Transurfing states: Be yourself and allow others be themselves.
2. Everyone's inner world is huge, like the outer world. So, you just can't underestimate someone else in his uniqueness, beauty and difference.

May I wish you all including myself a very happy Christmas. This is the time when we can enjoy and appreciate the finest and best moments of our lives. The time when we can give our Souls some peace and attention, and well as some mental relaxation.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 9

9. Sigh of relief 

Transurfing is not possible without a high amount of free energy. To materialize our goals, we use free energy to move in the time space continuum. However, some of this energy gets used for potential goals that we never dare to fulfill. This is huge amount of lost energy and in transurfing, we need as much energy as possible. Energy is never in excess. So, you need to either drop your potential goals or finally materialize them.

Interpretation: Many people live life, loaded with unaccomplished goals, unfulfilled duties, plans, restrictions etc etc. All those suck away your free energy. Since you think of all those things, you emit certain vibrations and thus, part of your energy goes to " support" those thoughts and to move to lines of life where you have more of these. So, either get rid of them and free that energy or finally materialize them ex: Every day you say to yourself - From tomorrow, I will lose weight, stop smoking, become a new person, etc etc. To keep those goals active in your head, you supply them with part of your precious free energy. (and then you wonder why you cannot accomplish other goals - you just do not have enough energy). Everything you delay for eternity is useless load that pulls you backwards.

I love my mum, my son, my brother, my sisters, my grandparents. I love all my family, and I just wonder what a lucky person am I to have such wonderful people surrounding me every moment of my life. Their support is priceless. Just the thought that they exist in my life makes it happier)

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 8

8. Pink Twins 

Declaration: There are many places on the Earth, where one can find "pink twins". Those are basically places, full of happiness and miracles. To find such place, put on your "pink glasses"and ignore all the people, who will try to bring you down, to "help" live in the real world. When something good happens to you, catch the feeling and induce it all the time. Soon, you will see more and more pink twins - your world will dramatically change for the better.

Interpretation: Remember one thing: you yourself alone color your world with your attitude. If the majority of your thoughts are negative, then life will be negative. The opposite is true as well. Heaven and Hell aren't in some other dimension or some other parallel Universe - they are here on Earth. You choose between them all the time with your thoughts. There are murders, prisons, floods, accidents out there. Do not focus on them. They can become part of your life if you fix your attention there. Focus only on the good. Evil cannot leave this world, but as a result of your positive thoughts, will leave your layer of the world.

This always makes me smile. And when I meet pink twins (and believe me, this happens much more often, than one can imagine) I always remember this declaration and smile with happiness. Why does this make me happy I can't explain. This is not even a proof that Transurfing ideas work. But on the other hand who can explain what makes him happy? This feeling of happiness is something very gentle, fragile and beautiful. I thank my world for it. 

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 7

I do not think it is a proper thing to COPY/PASTE all the information from the Practical Transurfing here. Therefore, I will miss some of the days to make sure I do not behave unethically.

In any case, for me day 7 is the continuation of day 6 in the terms that the idea of a world being a Giant Mirror is developed. One thought I want to publish here is:

7. Illusion of reflection 

Always think only of what you want to achieve and never of what you dislike.

This is because the world will reflect everything you concentrate on. The main idea is to control my thoughts. And this is what I basically do during this 78 day challenge. I control my thoughts by reading and interpreting for myself the Transurfing ideas. The ideas infuse my soul with the joy and I start to think about positive things instead of negative. This is my practical tool to turn around in the Mirror of the Universe and look at myself instead of looking into that mirror. And this is how the world starts moving towards me.

We start to vibrate in the similar frequencies if I may say so, the frequencies which make my life the way I want it to be.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 6

6. Boomerang Declaration: 

Whatever thought you "throw" at the Universe, the Universe is going to deliver back to you as a boomerang. When someone hates something with passion, he puts into this feeling both his mind and his soul. The result: the image created fills the whole layer of his world. The Universe has no choice but to materialize it...Be careful not to send negative energy in the Universe because it will hit back at you. Do not forget that love is also a boomerang :)

Interpretation: The Mirror of the Universe materializes your thoughts. Whatever you focus on, you get more of it. So, from now on, focus only on the positive. Filter all negative aspects. Before you would complain what you disliked and the Universe would reply: " Yes, you dislike what you focus on and here are more reasons to dislike it".
Now, use your mind and Soul to focus on what you love and enjoy. Search for positivity everywhere and declare that everyday life is getting better and better. If you do this regularly, you will be amazed how you will transform your world.

There is a nice story-parable, or sometimes this is even referred to as a joke. I tried to google it in English, but couldn't find it. So, I interpret this in my own words:

A man is walking home from work in the evening of a rainy day. And thinking: "My life is sh*, my wife is a b*, my friends are losers. Oh, I am so unhappy!"
And his guardian Angel is following and writing down into his notebook after this man: "Life- sh*, wife - b*, childred-..."
"What a weird wishes this person has... - the Angel is thinking. - And most importantly, every day the same ones... Well, nothing I can do besides to make sure they become true..."

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 5

5. Mirror of the World 

Your world becomes what you think of it. It is a giant mirror that reflects your attitude towards it. When you are sad, suddenly your world becomes full of sadness, when you are happy, the world is laughing with you, when you fight with the world, the world fights with you, when you start walking
towards your world, your world starts walking towards you. Every time the world ask the question "What am I" and it accurately becomes whatever answer it receives. To the answer "you are cold", the world becomes an emotionally colder place, to an answer "you are warm and comfortable", it becomes warm and comfortable.

If you think that you have experienced the best of everything already and there is nothing good coming your way, it is going to be exactly that way. If a person has pessimistic expectation, well, he is going to receive them. But if suddenly the person decides to choose to be worthy of all that is best in this world, the world delivers that. The old loser now becomes a darling of the Fate. And he receives all for free. After him, in a long queue wait those, who believe the world is a sad, desperate place, full of evil people. If our darling of the Fate decides to accept this expectation as true, he immediately gets sent at the end of queue, where his new expectations are realized.

Second version:

Your world is what you think it is. The world reflects, as your mirror attitude towards it. Life is a game in which the world constantly puts the same riddle to its residents: “Guess who I am?” And everyone responds according to his or her ideas: “You’re aggressive” or “You’re lovely” or “Funny, friendly, hostile, happy, sad...” etc. Interestingly, in this quiz everyone is winning! The world agrees and is presented to everyone in the outlook, in which it was ordered. What do you think about your world?

If a person is convinced, that everything good in this world is already sold out, then that person really encounters empty shelves. If you think that for the good commodities, you have to wait on a long line and pay expensive price, then it will be so. If your expectations are pessimistic and full of doubts, they will come true for sure. If you think that you will encounter an unfriendly circle of people, you feelings will become true.
But if you have an innocent thought, that the world has reserved for you all the best, that too inexplicably, will come true. The one, who ‘knows’ that everything is possible to achieve, somehow happened to be next to the shelf where the right products were just delivered, as if especially for him.
Suddenly he gets everything for free. And behind him, there is already a long queue of those who believe that real life is getting darker, and the fools are just lucky.
And if the lucky fool ever changes his attitude towards his world, having experienced ‘realities of life’, reality will change and will throw him with to the end of the queue.

One of the reasons I do this so called challenge, is to remind myself of this mirror. When I get a short period of time, even a few minutes per day, to stop and think about the universe and me, my eyes kind of open wider. I may see and realise the things, which are usually hidden in everyday little troubles. And then I can really observe this reaction of the Mirror. Sometimes, it is a very sudden and obvious reaction. I smile and my world smiles back at me. Sometimes, it may take months or even years. But if I carefully look, I will see the facts to prove for myself that the world is this giant reaction to the vibrations I send to it.

Just take a look at this example. I was thinking today that it would be nice to add some pictures to these posts. And I just realised that for this exact post the picture below would be a perfect suit. I made this picture about few weeks ago in Saatchi Saatchi museum during Rolls’Royce exhibition. There is a giant screen and as the person stands in the front of it and starts to move, the reflection of the lights on the screen starts to follow the movements. It will reflect all your movements. But you may see clearly in the picture, that if takes time. Because a moment ago the person had her hands spread and this is still reflected by the screen and by this picture. As the person crosses her hands, the screen will follow to reflect it. This is how my world reacts...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 4

4. Rising of a Star

Declaration: To have true success, you need to stop following in other people's footsteps and set new standards. Whoever broke the stereotypes and offered something new to the world, was the one to create a new standard for success. Pendulums do not support individuality, so they have no choice but to make this maverick a star. To set new rules, all you need to do is ALLOW to be yourself. This privilege is not given by a God outside. Only you, through your will, can give it to yourself.

And another version:

The birth or a star
To achieve real success, you have to stop following generally accepted standards and start walking your own way. The one, who comes out of the common formation, creates a new success benchmark. Pendulums do not tolerate individuality; they see a rising star and make it their favourite.
When establishing a new rule, the formation turns and starts following the new star. To establish your own rules, you must allow yourself to be yourself. You can do this. The only thing you have to do is to take that privilege. The privileges are given or taken only by you yourself.

Throughout the lives of people, someone tries to instil them that they are not perfect, that success, wealth and fame are just for the chosen ones. Pendulums do not deny the fact that anyone can succeed, but carefully hide the fact that each person has unique abilities and qualities. Individuality is deadly for them. If all supporters become free and get out of control, pendulums will just fall apart.
Stars are born alone, but the pendulums lit them. The role models – the model of success – are created deliberately to turn the aspiration of others to the same direction. In other words, the task of the pendulums is to push everyone in the formation and force them to obey the general rule.

You will achieve nothing until it becomes clear to you, that you have to leave the common formation. It makes no sense to play somebody else’s game where it isn’t you setting the rules. Whatever you do, always strive to start your own game. That’s the secret of success.

Interpretation second version:

All their life people are told they are not good enough; thin enough, pretty enough etc. They are told success, fame, money are only for "chosen" ones. Pendulums hide the fact that people are entitled to all and that once they start following their own standards and develop their unique qualities, they will get all they want. After all, if all people choose to be free, the pendulums will cease to exist. Stars are those who chose to be "stars". Pendulums then make them glow. Those stars set new standards for behaving and people copy them. This is needed, so that they (the people) lose their individuality and act in the same manner. That way, the pendulums can control them. This is the main task of pendulums - to control. You wont achieve anything, while following in someone else's footsteps. There is no purpose in playing a game, where you do not set the rules. Create your own game and start playing. The pendulums will then make you glow, so that other people can follow. This is where the secret of success lies.

Everyday, step by step. Having your main goal in mind, stop concentrating on unimportant details which drag you from it and just distract and waist your time. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, day 3

3. Child of God: 

Declaration: Every one is part of God - you are a child of Him and your life is part of His dream. By ruling your world with your EXTERNAL intention, you fullfill his orders. His Intention becomes whatever your intention is. Then how can you doubt it is not going to be fulfilled? You just need to ALLOW yourself to have. Do not PRAY - just allow. When you pray, it is like God praying to himself. Does God need to pray? Does there exist a creature that God needs to pray to? After all, he is almighty. The same way, do not pray, do not demand, do not desire. Just INTEND!

Interpretation: Our world is a theater of dream where God is an actor, director, scriptwriter and producer. Our decisions are His decisions. What we feel and do is what God feels and does. Our Soul is part of His Soul and in each Soul God has placed a part of His intention. Then he sent the Souls in his Dream - our reality. Each Soul is given the freedom to create its own reality depending on how conscious we are. But coming here, in a physical form, we forget our true nature and start wandering in this reality, vaguely remembering we came here to create a new life. People have forgotten they are here not to serve to God but to co-create with Him. This is the secret!

This one is one of my favorites ones. 
It's a cool feeling to realise that I am a part of something, and not just 'something' something, but GOD! Therefore, I am not alone, I am loved by the Creator, and I can be happy and creative if I intend to. Life is so good!

The external intention is a determination to have, when the world becomes subject to human will. Internal intention focuses on the process of our own movement towards the goal, external – focuses attention on how the goal gets realised by itself.