Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 50

And here we go, 50 posts and this is the last post from the other author interpreting Zeland's 78 days of Practical Transurfing book:

Failing Pendulums 

Declaration: When you ACTIVELY think what you do NOT want in your life, this is what you are going to experience. To get rid of what you don’t want, you first need to ACCEPT it in your life. Yes, it exists and if you deny that, they you are actually deluding yourself. To accept it means to admit that in the present moment, this unpleasant person/situation/thing does exist in your world. Then, after you accept this, you need to let go of it. Thoughts are not yours. They derive outside of you and are actually sent to you. You pick them with your mind and then, start vibrating on their frequency. Negative thoughts release negative energy. That energy attracts pendulums. So, when you first experience negative thought (ex: I am so broke), do not deny that thoughts. Just ADMIT that it is true and then, change your thoughts in the direction you want. (ex: Yes, I am broke; it is true but every day, I am increasing my vibration of abundance and every day, and in every way, life is getting better and better. Money is coming to me, so there is no need to worry – neither now, nor in the future) When you experience negative thoughts, pendulums attach to you. But if you do NOT release negative energy while having those thoughts, pendulums CANNOT suck your energy; because in that way, you raise your frequency; (this frequency doesn’t relate anymore to the frequency of the pendulum, and it leaves you alone ) When the first negative thought arrive, ACCEPT it and admit it, if true. Then, calmly, reaffirm that life is getting better and better. That way, you fail pendulums and they cannot suck your energy.


Pendulums are servant of the dreams. When you give in to provocations, you fall asleep while being awake. You do think that you almost always regret later. People say that, in those short instant, when they gave in to the provocations and expressed their anger, it was as if they weren’t themselves. Like some strange force was acting on them. That strange force is the pendulums action. When you “fall victim” to them, you start playing their game and giving them more and more of your precious life energy. To release yourself, you need to change your ATTITUDE. I said attitude and not obstacles. Obstacles are not created by you. Those are part of the life lines you inhabit. But your attitude is what determine what kind of life you live – happy or miserable. First, as Zeland says, ACCEPT the situation, then change your attitude. Turn the tragedy into a comedy However, to change your attitude does NOT mean to block your emotions. If you do that, that negative energy remains in your and builds up. In any moment, it will explode and feed again the pendulums. To change your attitude means to see the positive in the negative situation. You cannot fight pendulums. They exist whether you like it or not. You cannot defeat them, but you can IGNORE them. And this will bring you victory over them.

Yesterday I have this situation, after one telephone conversation, I started to worry. And I am so proud of myself, that in few minutes I had awoken and remembered: this is just a pendulum! This is just the game and it will be the way I want it to be. I did my best to 'forget' about this conversation by turning my attention to something else. And this worry might never ever realize in life. And this something is much more relevant. Practise awakening and pendulums recongisation. Nice.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 49

Stopping Pendulums 


When you decide to stop pendulums from feeding off you, be ready for provocations. When you face an unwanted situation, you have two options: either lose your balance or raise your vibrations. Pendulums feed on negative energy, so every time you express negativity, pendulums attach to you and steal your energy. They literally suck it from your aura, so that is why you feel depressed and powerless. If you were to react the opposite way, with gratitude and love to a visibly unpleasant situation, pendulums cannot attach to you. The higher your vibration, the more shielded you are, against their attacks. To win the battle, change the scenario of the game. Reach positively, when faced with a negative event.


Pendulums feed with energy. They provoke you all the time. Pendulums are energetic-informational structures that vibrate on certain frequency. When you react negatively to something, you ALWAYS start vibrating on the frequency of a certain pendulum. ONLY WHEN YOU AND THE PENDULUM VIBRATE ON THE SAME FREQUENCY, CAN IT ATTACH TO YOU. When you react with positive thoughts to an unpleasant thing, you vibrate with a lot higher frequency than pendulums. With such a dissonance between your vibration and the one of the pendulum, it cannot attach to you and your energy is safe :) Think about that: All is energy. When many people unite and think strong negative thoughts (such as during a war), they start vibrating on a common frequency and emit huge negative energy in the Universe. In theory, that energy is enough to harm the planet (the Earth is an energy center and btw, it also has chakras just like humans and animals); if not to destroy it completely, at least it can destroy it partially. But it never happens - this is because the majority of that negative energy is absorbed by pendulums and the amount that is actually sent to the Universe, is minimal. Pendulums balance energy and don’t allow it to harm the Universe. (but they do harm the one who has dared to sent negative energy in the Universe)

Awake and see what is going on, do you need to react to this negatively? Or is this just a game forced on you?  Or may be you are just not aware of the positive scenario your world implies in your favour?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 48

Looking for Love 

You don’t need to look for love, love itself will find you. In order for this to happen, you should repeatedly slide in you head your life with your soulmate. When the Divine timing is exact, that person will walk into your life. Then it is up to you. You should do the FIRST move (if it is your slide, most probably you will have to do the move towards your partner) and get rid of all fears and prejudice. Remember: always be yourself. Live as you would want to live. Live according to your creed. Otherwise, the Mirror of the Universe cannot reflect back your true desires. ( because when you do not live according to your creed, the Soul is unhappy and you pass on negative lines of life). If, for now, you cannot live based on your creed, then at least monitor your thoughts and be happy.

The love slide should contain a non - concrete person. Only in an emergency time, slide a concrete person but with this you risk a lot. When you slide a concrete person, the Soul of this person gets notified you slide him/her, so most probably will do its best to get away from you. Of course, in the space of variance, everything exists, so the possibility of you and this person together also exists, BUT this person is not your passive object. If the person's Soul doesn't like you, that person will unexplainable get colder towards you and will try to distance. This is the price you pay. So, better, use a living person for an inspiration what your dream partner should be and slide this virtual non - concrete person. To quote Zeland directly : Human relations are exactly the case, where you should COMMUNICATE with the living people, not fly in the sky, lost in dreams.... all emotions are needy ... they all lead to polarization .... joy as well if you slide the other person being happy (not with you but in general), then no, the other person wont detach from you; rather, will like you even more if you slide the other person being happy WITH you, then yes, most probably, the person will detach ... nobody likes to be "manipulated" energetically this applies for business partnership as well. :)

Oh, this is my intention. To have my soulmate come into my life. I intend to meet him in the nearest future. I know my second half exist and nothing else I wish.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 47


If you feel as if the Universe is "deliberately" acting not in your favor, ask yourself: What are you raising the importance of?? When you think the whole world is going against you and despite your best effort, things are become worse and worse, then you are full of internal and external importance. The more you insist on your desires, the more the Universe is going to keep you separated from them (this is a law!) It is like you are holding the Universe by the throat and she is trying to let go of you. As Zeland says - release the Universe and allow her the freedom of movement. 
Remember those 4 rules :
1. Allow yourself to be the way you are and allow others to be the way they want to be 
2. Do not compare yourself to others 
3. Do not "attach" youself to anything 
4. Accept things easily and let go easily


When you raise the importance of something, you create a strong energy field around you (but of polarized energy). We talked about pure and polarized energy. This polarized energy twists the energy picture of the world. In other words, this polarized energy activates the equilibrium force of the Universe against you. The Universe is in itself "neutral". It is a vacuum. Pure energy is neutral energy. It is energy of creation. Polarized energy is energy of emotions both positive and negative. That energy disrupts the vacuum. Then, the Universe acts against you to restore the vacuum. This is what those equilibrium forces do restore the neutrality of the world.
Zeland has said this many times - go towards your goal like you go towards the store to buy something - with no emotions. The more "empty" you are, the faster you will receive what you want. The most dangerous type of polarization is relation of dependence. "If you love me, you will do this. If you want me, you will do that. Since I love you, you will listen to me" etc." This creates HUGE energy force against you. Do NOT ever depend on your goals. Nothing is as important as you think it is. You are not here on some God - sent mission, you are here to experience life. Even if you do not accomplish anything in this life, so what? You are not here to accomplish things or to serve others or to explain yourself to other people - you are here just to be. When you place importance on you goal (and we all do), then you send polarized energy in the Universe. You activate the equilibrium forces. They, in turn, to restore the balance in the world, will send you to lines of life, where there is no sign of your goal. You continue to cry for your goal? Fine, then the equilibrium forces will send to even worse line of life ... Also, pendulums will attack you. It is essential you keep you emotions in check ... and TRUST, trust the Universe. Finally, do not compare yourself to others - HUGE polarization occurs. You are the way you are - they are, the way they are. Simple as. All comparisons lead to conflicts.... Have you thought why people say that opposites attract each other?? Because that way, balance is restored and the Universe is again neutral.

Well, do not forget that the above is just an interpretation of Zeland's Transurfing ideas. And here is my personal advice from a certified Transurfing coach Fernando received today: Very important aspects are: develop the observer and place it in control of the limited mind, drop importance and be patient in the knowledge that the Space of Variants is delivering in the best possible way you heart's Desire created through the unity of Soul and Mind. Doesn't this sound as a miracle? )

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 46


Your door is the pathway that leads to the lifeline, where your goal exists. When you slide in your head, the external intention opens in front of you many doors. All of them lead to your goal. However, not all of them are your doors. If you get tired, frustrated, sad, and angry and generally feel bad while on your path to your goal, then this is NOT your door. However, if you feel happy and full of energy, then you are moving on the right line of life. The other line of life, with the other door, will still lead you to your goal, but the price you will pay in terms of energy loss and negative feelings will be greater. Examine how you feel all the time. This is the indication of whether or not, you move through your door. To open your door, you should just feel great and grateful and at the same time, slide your final goal. Then, the transition to your door will happen. Your right attitude is the key to your door. But then, do NOT force yourself. If something makes you sad and upset, don’t try to feel happy. Acknowledge that this is not your door and find other way to reach your goal. In an abundant universe, there are millions of doors that lead to your goal :) Never limit yourself in terms of doors. If something doesn’t happen in one way, then it will happen in another :)

Interpretation: Live for yourself, and yourself - only. Your general well being is highly important indicator and it the best KEY to open your door. Pendulums teach people that you need hard work to succeed, you need to struggle and cry and fear and hate and so on and on, but actually you do NOT need to. You just need to ignore pendulums. I say " ignore” and not " fight,” because you cannot fight them. The only way to win the battle is to choose not to play in it. The moment you start fighting with pendulums is the moment you give away your precious energy. Happiness is constantly in the future, hidden beneath surface of false stereotypes and illusions. Aiming at perfection, you wont reach it. Living your life as you best self, you immediately feel happy. :) When you feel happy and content with your life, money also flows to you. Everything in the Universe synchronizes with you. The false stereotype says you need first to work hard, earn money, and then start going after your goal (when you are financially stable). In reality, your goal will bring more than enough money for you because it will make you happy. And happiness brings the best possible lines of life for you. The Soul agreed to come here to experience the art of living. But now, you have to ask yourself - what do you live for? For yourself and your goal; or for false stereotypes (you have to be such and such ... to be successful) and pendulums?

The interpretation is an absolute key to happiness. But sometimes, people would understand the meaning of 'live for yourself' in a bit different way. As well as the phrase: enjoy life. Everyone is different and the enjoyment might be different too. We all came to this world as creators, and when you live for yourself this means you are creating something what you were created for. And if you are just wasting your time meaninglessly you will not be happy. You might just feel the glimpse of fake happiness from time to time.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 45

The Path Towards the Goal

Remove all importance, and leave only the pure intention. You should move towards your goal like you move towards the newsstand to buy your newspaper. No emotions, just determination. The only things that can fail you are: too much responsibility, too much trying to be perfect and fear of failure. When you slide, don’t include scenarios, just the final goal. If you concentrate only on the final goal, the external intention will deliver it for you.

If you think your goal is impossible or at least, unlikely to happen, those negative emotion will fail you. How should you make yourself believe you can have what you want? Simple. You cant :) Forget about belief. Just slide in your head ... again and again. Do not worry how events will align for you. Even if you do not see any confirmation that you are moving towards your goal, continue sliding. People, who are highly successful in life, all confess that they never ever expected that they would achieve all this. But nevertheless, they did not stop dreaming.
Only one advice: Do not place your goal on only one card - always have a back-up plan, if something goes wrong.

The insurance is a good thing for your mental stability. It costs somewhat, but you have a back up plan. For your mortgage, for your salary, nowadays, for most everything. Life is so comfortable. Just unattach strings and you are free to live happily.

Of course, Transurfing helps to become rich, get a house, car, anything you need from material world. But for me most important is that it helps to get unattached of these. If I get to choose, I would choose self-development over the career. This is what my soul wants.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 44

The Slide 

Usually people place attention most on action in the physical world. That is however not effective. Using the power of the mind, combined with action in the physical world, allows for the manifestation of your wildest dreams. In order for the thoughts to produce result in the physical world, they need to be reinforced over and over again ...Slide in your head, the picture of your goal already manifested and live in that picture.

When you slide, you move from your current line of life, to the one that contains your goal. Do no think how this transition happens. Focus ONLY on the end result. When the divine timing is right, the external intention will lead you to the line of life, where you accomplish your goal. However, when you slide, do not merely observe it, but live in it. Experience it with your senses. Show gratitude for everything you have. Imagine more and more details. But do this, only when you are happy. Never slide when you are upset, as you translate that emotion into the slide ... Also, do not slide all the time. You NEED to live in reality as well because one of the rules to change your life is first to ACCEPT it the way it is in the moment and to make peace with it.... When you slide all the time, then you adamantly refuse to accept your life now and try to "escape" it in your mind. And this will lead to more resistance and to more negative events for you....

And everywhere we go
The sun will always shine
And tomorrow we might wake on the other side

We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, no, no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down, oh, no
So don't you bring me down today

Monday, April 13, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 43

 Visualizing the process: 

Whatever you do, you will have a tremendous success if you not just observe your work but constantly express gratitude and love towards it. See how everyday your creation is getting better and better, and how happier and happier you become with it. The principle is the following: Today, I do everything better than yesterday and tomorrow I will be even better. When you slide in your head, all obstacles work towards your goal, even if you think this is not so; but if you slide your goal and in the same time, visualize the process you literally FLY in the time space variation towards the line of life that contains your goal

Lets assure you work towards a project. In the process of working, visualize how your project becomes more and more perfect. Imagine how the details become more and more precise. Imagine that today you finish one aspect of the project, tomorrow - another. Imagine your project changing for the better every day and also visualize the final version of the project. That way you slide both the process and the final destination.... It is necessary to FEEL how your project becomes better and better. The happier you are, the better your project will be. Repeat in your mind: everyday I am getting better and better in everything. I am a genius. If you work towards improving your body, imagine how it is getting better and better every day. Take care of it, send it love all the time, imagine how at some places muscles strengthen and fat melts ...Soon, you will discover how fast your body is changing for the better.

It is much easier to image the Space Of Variations now, when Internet exists. If you order something online, the thing materialises in your life from the picture in your laptop. Sure, sometimes you have to pay for it, but there are ways to get something you want for free as well. You can literally get anything from any part of the world. And internet is some sort of a Mirror or Window.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 42

 Breaking the Stereotype 

If someone tells you need to work hard to get what you want, do not believe him. 
If someone tells you that you are obliged to work "in the name of something or someone”, do not believe him;
if someone tells you need to change your yourself to succeed, do not believe him. 
If someone tells you because you are born poor, you will stay that all your life, do not believe him; 
if someone tells you your abilities are limited, and do not believe him.

Interpretation: From a logical point of view, everything in transurfing is turned upside down. If you do not want to live like everyone else, then you are a Wanderer. In transurfing, Fate does not choose the Wanderer - he chooses it. You will achieve what you want, when you remove your limitations and your "logical" thinking you have to allow yourself to have what you want, to ignore stereotypes and other people's opinion and to release yourself from the pendulums. After all, miracles happen all the time, if you believe in them :)

I will not write about the above, just only because I am so flattered by what had happened recently about the Going with the current day. I remember when reading this day, I kept wondering: how do I do this, how do I apply this. I actually understand 'how', but all seemed a bit weird what is meant by all this.
And here we go, example from life:
Me and my friend on a walk in the park with our kids. Decided it's time to go home. I say: let's take a walk, and she is like: I would prefer to get a bus home from here. Decided to do this 'my way'. Result: My son jumped into the fountain, all wet, my phone drowned and we had to go to the hospital next day as I suspected the dysentery for my son. Phone still dead. Moreover, as we took a black cab home from the park, the driver nearly escaped a car accident.
Why? Why I have not listened to my friend when she suggested to take a quick bus home? When she said she had 'a feeling' it would be better, I have remembered Going with the current day word for word.

Well, the conclusion and the best part of all is: TRANSURFING REALLY WORKS. Learned this the hard way this time x

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 41

The Habit to Remember 

To find a solution to any problem, you should first remember that all problems arise from raised importance. Until you realize that not your problems, but your ATTITUDE to them determines your success, the obstacles will reign over you. Zeland says- wake up and realize that life is just a dream that you can control through the help of transurfing.


Pendulums use your negative energy to feed on. Yes, it is a lot difficult to remain calm and positive when you want to scream and fight but the more you are conscious, the easier it is. Do this experiment: every day, for 5 minutes, 3 times a day, become conscious. Just observe what is happening around you and observe what thoughts are coming to you. When you are conscious, you CHOOSE your thoughts (and ignore your negative ones). The habit to remember 'life is a just a dream' takes time to develop. However, it is essential if you want to change your life ...

This is just so relevant. The habit to make a note of something important and remember it. I was just thinking that I do not really remember if I posted a previous challenge today in the morning. Or yesterday evening. Come on, it's less than 24h and I do not remember! I just remember that I was so busy in the morning, that probably I didn't have time to do this, this is why it was probably yesterday. Oh, dear!

And again, a 'row your boat' theme seems very applying to me: Remember: life is but a dream!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 40

Going alongside the Current 

Trust the current of variance. Get into equilibrium with the surrounding world. Do everything in the easiest possible way. When in a situation, do not act as a participant, but become an observant. See the difficult situation from a neutral point of view and determine where you place excess potential. Remember: nothing is as important as you think it is!!! If something does not follow your plan, let go of your plan and trust. You are given an advice you do not like - do not reject immediately but think. Someone does or says something you do not agree with - do not criticize but ALLOW the other person to live according to his will.


The mind constantly tries to control everything. However, the current of life does not obey such control. Transurfing helps you let go and trust. This is a crucial step. To learn to go with the current of life, you need to learn to trust. You create your obstacles by yourself. It is easier for the Universe to keep you flowing on your optimal lines of life, because on them you release only pure energy. On the contrary, when you release polarized energy, the Universe has to activate equilibrium forces and to change your lines of life, which involves loss of pure energy. If you do not fight the Universe, you will flow on the best possible lines.

Here  we go, all the replies to my yesterday's 'not-so-optimistic-as-if-should-be-if-you-are-a-transurfer" post :) But anyway, love the way I do it everyday now, the challenge thing. And I am not even home. Again, this it not just a current to my point of view, but :


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 39

Against the Current 

Declaration: Observe at least for a day how you mind tries to flow against the current. Someone says something, you refuse to listen; someone gives you something, you refuse to take it; another person does something you don’t like and you feel entitled to criticize him etc. This all happens when you play the participant. Now change the tactics and play the observant. Observe life and do not express negative feelings whenever something happens, which does not "coincide" with your plan. Life will become easier that way.

Interpretation: The mind has a fixed solution for everything. Everything has to go according to his plan. However, life is way too vast and the mind cannot find a stable solution for every problem. Yet, he tries all the time. Situations change all the time and that is why we should play the role of the observant. When you desperately hang on to your scenario, you try to go against the current of life and cause yourself trouble. The mind tries to control not your attitude, but the current itself. However, the Universe does not always go in the direction the mind wants. The only control the mind should be exerting is the control of the internal and external importance. If you do not try to go against the current, the problematic situation will fix itself in your favor without your direct participant...

So, the song 'Row your boat' is also relevant to this. But show me a person, who doesn't want to be in charge of his own decisions :) To persuade yourself that 'go with a current' will do you good, especially then you think something is not going right, is not the easiest thing to do. We all are taught that to get something in life you are supposed to do something, but not go with the circumstances. Is it a bit hard to separate this 'go with a flow' and what I call Oblomovism.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 38

My world is taking care of me

Start you day with this phrase. Use it whoever happens in your life. (Especially declare that your world is taking care of you when you are in a bad situation) When you are successful, also confirm that your world is indeed taking care of you.


First, you need to start stating this phrase every day, to avoid problems and negative lines of life. When something negative happens, ALWAYS state this phrase to return to better life lines and to restore your energy; you need sufficient energy to reach your goal and if you respond to negative vibrations in a negative way, you will never reach your goal. This phrasing is important to keep in successful lines of life. Adam says this is (I quote him):EXTREMELY POWERFUL TECHNIQUE. Try it for few days and see the results. The Universe is a mirror - whatever your declare, that is what you will receive.

Don't know who Adam is. But My world is taking care of me! Everyday, every minute and every second. More and more I see it. Thank you, my world.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 37

Coordination of Intention 

Declaration: If you decide to see a negative event as positive - it will be that way. No matter how bad things look in the moment, they will brighten up if you instead of negative, release positive energy in the Universe. Otherwise, things will get worse. With every obstacle, tell that if what you want happens - fine; if it doesn’t better! With that attitude you will avoid mass problems. After all, your world DOES take care of you and who knows by not giving you what you want, from how many troubles it is saving you. Say that no matter what happens, it is all in your favor!

Interpretation: Life is a chain of actions and consequences. That is, one line of life leads to another and so on. The line of life, on which we act is always closely situated to the line of life, where is the consequence. Each line of life divides into 2 more lines: one better and one worse. When we release negative energy, the consequence becomes bad for us. When we release positive energy, we choose the better consequence. Usually people experience chain of negative events. This is because when something bad happens, they release negative energy, which further sends them to a line of life on which they experience again something negative. And the process is endless. So, negative events do not follow from the original one, but from your attitude! The principle of coordination of intention allows you to always pick up the better consequence.

With my every obstacle, if what I want happens - fine, if not - even better! My world DOES take care of me and knows by not giving me what I want, from how many troubles it is saving me! Everything what happens is just in my favour!

Practice, baby, practice! And this is such a fun. It really makes you laugh, this one. Because, to your mind it seems silly at least, to react this way to what it looks like negative things. But a little laugh does lots of good things )))

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 36

 Quit the Battle with the World

 Declaration: The world reflects as a mirror your attitude towards it. When you hate it, it hates you back. When you fight it, it fights you back. When you battle it, it battles you. When you, however, stop the battle and MAKE THE FIRST STEP towards it, the world suddenly starts walking towards you. This means - do not try to change the reflection (thus, the consequence of your actions or thoughts) change your ATTITUDE ... If you allow yourself to have what you want and do not question that, the external intention will find a way to give it to you. You desperately want to achieve your goal? This desperation is going to fail you. Think of it in this manner: "I go to take what is rightfully mine- it is already mine in the metaphysical reality and in a matter of certain time, it is going to manifest in the physical reality as well" If you are desperate, it simply shows you do not believe that what you want is ALREADY yours in the metaphysical reality (thus, in a certain life of line in the time space continuum) and if you do not believe that, the Universe cannot move you from your line of life to the new one.

Interpretation: Pendulums prompt in you the belief that one should fight to reach his goals, should battle the world, and should change completely. You believe you are too flawed for your goals and need to improve to reach them, and then, you change, and realize you actually still haven't achieved those goals.... This entire scenario has one main task - to take energy away from you. Pendulums need energy to feed on and they need to take it from someone every time you have negative thoughts (or reach negatively to the world around you) you willing give your energy to the pendulums. (And in the process, lower your vibrations so much that you actually transition to a worse line of life, to match your "new" worse vibration) No one can force you to give your energy nevertheless; you do it all the time, when you react negatively. In this moment, you should "wake up" from the dream and see it is all a game. You fight because you are full of internal and external importance To reach your goals, you need to ALLOW yourself to have it here and now. As Zeland himself says: If you cannot take what you want and cannot allow yourself now, postpone for later. However, postponing for later leads to a state of being where life is being considered as a preparation for a better future. You are discontent with the present and live with the hope for a quick improvement. With this attitude, the future never occurs. With the same success, you can go and chase the sunset. It just won’t happen....

The author often says that we are asleep and not concentrated. As an example, we do not remember things. Can you  imagine, just yesterday, before going to bed, I have posted the day 35 and today in the morning I already do not remember in I have posted this or not. And I consider doing this challenge one of the most important things I do in life now.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 35

Lowering the Importance 

Declaration: All non-equilibrium feelings and reactions: " indignation, discontent, irritation, anxiety, excitement, depression, confusion, despair, fear, pity, attachment, desire, affection, idealization, a worship, delight, disappointment, pride, conceit, contempt, disgust, insult, etc" come as a consequence of raising the importance of things. Pendulums trap you and transform you into a puppet. To reduce the importance does not mean to struggle with your feelings and to try to suppress them; instead you should change the reason for the feelings - your attitude. It is necessary to realize that importance will not bring you anything, except for problems

Interpretation: Problems as such do NOT exist - what exists is the RAISED importance of things. When you intentionally lower the importance, problems easily get solved. Pay attention: not to underestimate the problem, but to lower the importance. Accept the problem as a game and look to it from the outside, soberly and impartially (as an observant, not participant). When you lower the importance, you will enter an equilibrium condition, and pendulums cannot establish control over you control because you will not be emotionally "charged", but neutral. It does NOT mean to turn into a robot. Emotions are generated by attitude; therefore it is necessary to change the attitude. Feelings and emotions are only consequences of your RAISED importance. To illustrate his point, Zeland gives an example. Lets assume a person I know has given birth, or has gotten married. Is it important to him? No. Is he indifferent towards the event? Again no. Catch a difference? Simply I do not inflate from this a problem and I do not exhaust about it myself and associates. Simply he does not inflate problems and so, he does no "torture" with his problems those, who are around him. Strong tendency to raise external importance creates fanatics; strong tendency to raise internal importance creates cretins.

I have watched TV today. It doesn't happen often, and I prefer not to. But when I get to the places where TV is on and everyone is watching, I am easily catch by TV pendulums. One nice advice was given to raise your mood if you feel negatively. Take a chopstick and squeeze it in your mouth so that both sides of it are out your lips ends and it is pulling your lips into a 'forced smile'. Leave it like this for some time. They say, this action activated the brain cells responsible for joy and happiness. See, where it gets you. For sure, when you look into the mirror and see your stupid look, you will smile.

I have published two times during one day not only because of my determination to go through this challenge day by day as needed, but because I was on a plane yesterday and was offline. 

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 34

'Rule of Transurfing'
Replace the rule of the pendulum "Do as I do" with the rule of the Transurfing "Allow yourself to be the way you are and the others to be the way they are". Basically, it says to let go. Stay true to yourself and do not try to change other people and force them to be the way you want them to. Remove your projections of expectations of other people. Your expectations of other people twist the energetic picture of the Universe and you activate the equilibrium forces against you. By NOT doing that, you will remove mass problems from your life.
This is the ONLY way for you to find your true path in life. When you are to face a conflict in your life, ask yourself: what should I do to keep the rule of Transurfing working for me? That way, by being true to yourself and yet, allowing other people to be the way they want themselves to be, you will avoid also feeling of blame, unworthiness, and will establish better relations with those around you.

I feel a bit jealous of when I hear someone says: I always wanted to be ... or when I was small I wanted to be...  Not that I am jealous, but I wish I could say this myself. And after I have understood the true sense of life, which in Transurfing is to find your path and follow it, I always feel what a shame this is, that a person knew his path when he was young, but didn’t follow it. I only hope I will find my path one day. As an example, this last conversation with a 25 year old, who just started to work. ‘I wanted to be a footballer, and was training a lot, but my parents convinced me to be a financer’. He says, he feels they were right to convince him to do this, and now he is happy. He just finished a master degree from one on the best uni’s in London. Well-done for him. But, well done for his parents or no?
My grand-mother always wanted to be a performer and sing in well, I guess, folk style band. But she says she was too shy and educated only two years of school. So, instead of this, she made her two daughters to go the musical school. And they hated that. One of them was my mother, and she always wanted to be a gardener or land shaft designer. But she is only spending all of her summer days in my grandmother’s garden. And she has her own excuses why she never started what she wanted to become.
As Mr Zeland puts it: two most important things in life are:
Find your second half and find your path and follow it.
And these two are my life goals.