Monday, June 29, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 63

The steering wheel of Intention


If you want to achieve your Goal, you need to convert your desire into a firm intention. Desires and dreams do not come true. Stop lusting for your goal. It's already yours if you have an intention for it. Lust is a part of failure:  'I want it so much (too much) and I am frightened I might not get it. Why am I frightened? Because I think not about the goal itself, but about how can I get it.' You need to stop thinking of how to get it. Your task is to think about your goal as you already own it and that's a fact (by constantly having a slide of it on your mind). On your way to the Goal things that you do not expect may happen, or nothing might be going on at all. But this is not something to discourage you. Whatever happens, have your attention concentrated on your Goal firmly. Your motto should be: 'I do not want or I do not hope for - I intend'


Your position in the Field of Variations with a regard to your Goal is similar as if you are in a boat in the open sea. For instance, if you need to reach the earth, you have to go North all the time. This is were your compass's arrow points to - aka the direction of your thoughts. Till you imagine for yourself that you get to the shore and disembark, your 'arrow' is pointing to the correct direction. All you need to do is think about getting to the destination and row. Only these two things and nothing else. But here your leisurely mind starts to fidget and interrupt the rower: 'Where exactly are we going? How long will it take? What if we will not make it? Or maybe the direction is not there? What if we need to go to different direction?' etc. As a result of this, the arrow on a compass starts to flounce away, and the boat constantly changes its direction.The Mind doesn't see the movement action in the space of Variations and therefore troubles and worries. It is used to have a control over the situation. And it will relax only if it has another task, and it will realise what it doesn't by performing this task. So, you need to 'explain' to your Mind that it has to firmly hold the steering wheel to make sure it steady goes en route, but not to swing the boat. The task for the Mind it to take the control over the thoughts and hold this control constantly. 

My Summerization:

5 steps how to achieve your Goal by Transurfing:

1. Chose your Goal according to your Heart and Soul. Your Goal is something that will turn your life into everyday feast.
2. Think of your Goal as if you've already achieved it. What is Yours will be Yours. This is just a matter of time, so do not hesitate.
3. Do not think about HOW to achieve your Goal. Let the Universe find the optimal way for it.
4. Beware and concentrate on your Goal whatever you do. Constantly have it on your Mind. Every day.
5. Enjoy what you do to achieve it and be grateful for what you already have.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 62

Your goal


All of us are in possess of a real treasure - the uniqueness of our souls. Every soul has got its own goal, and a person will be happy during the process of achieving it. But there is no happiness in future - ahead of you. The happiness is either here and now, or it doesn't exist. The secret to a genuine success is to get rid of the Pendulums and choose your own Path. Answer to this question yourself: what would your heart (soul) want to do? What could turn your life into a festive? Do not take into account any limitations. Do not be shy and make no restrictions to your desires. If this is your goal - your soul will start singing and your mind applauding. 


A Soul of a person can only intuitively feel, what it may want/desire. The Mind has to assist it in determining the Goal.  But the Mind is making a mistake by trying to find a Goal using logical thinking. The task of the Mind is not to look for a goal, but to recognise the Goal once it comes across it. You will feel when your Soul will find what is yours, it will happen in the perfect timing in the perfect place. The important thing is to help your Soul to come across the Goal. Therefore, you need to widen your horizons: go to places you have not been before, search for things, you are not familiar with yet, let the new information inside, get out from your routine. And furthermore, keep awareness in place and listen to the Voice of your Heart. Allow yourself an unterminated period of time, do not make any boundaries and to not transform a search of your Goal into a duty. Just have this on your Mind: I am looking for something what will turn my life into a feast. The Goal will appear as an illumination.  A Soul will sparkle when you come across a certain information, and your Mind will enjoy thinking about it, then you can say you have found something special for yourself.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 61

The goal, but not yours

I am still thinking if this is a correct interpretation of the name for this challenge, in a translated book I have it is called: other people's goal. 


When defining your goal (your aim in life), ask yourself a question: do I really desire this with all my heart (Soul)? Or I just want to desire it? If you need to talk yourself into it, then the goal is not yours. As moving towards somebody's else goal will always delay the feast for the future, which might never happen. And when moving towards your goal, you feel happy straight away. When a goal is not yours, you have to force yourself, it is an obligation and a coercion. The goal which is not yours, may be a modern trend, or prestige. It will attract by its unachievability, will force you to prove something to yourself and others. It is imposed by others and helps others to improve their welfare. Find your own goal. 


If the goal is not yours, you will feel the discomfort of your Soul. Pseudo goals are usually very attractive. Your Mind will be entrancing about the numerous advantages of the goal. But despite the remarkable advantages of a goal, if you feel depressed, you need to be honest to yourself. The Mind will not want to listen to any of it, for your Mind all looks wonderful and marvelous. But where does the grim feeling come from? When you think about a goal, do not take into consideration, if it is prestigious, hardly achievable or by which cost could you achieve it. Pay attention only to the comfort of your Soul. Imagine, you have reached your Aim. Do you feel good or not really? The discomfort of the Soul is not to be confused for a soul stiffness (Is this all for me?). A soul discomfort is а feeling of oppression or burden in a background of Mind's optimistic reasons. The slides technique can easily help you to get rid of a Soul stiffness, but never will work for a Soul discomfort.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 60

The whispering of the morning stars.


When you address a dilemma and are not sure of how to behave in the best way, you may trust your intuition without any fear. If you rely on your anticipations, you may still make mistakes. But if you listen to the Voice of your Mind, you will make by far more mistakes. If you need to decide something, no one knows better than you Soul. Quite often it is complicated to understand what your Soul tries to tell you. But it is clearly obvious when the Soul is not satisfied with the decision made by the Mind. The discomfort of your Soul is a reliable criteria to realise the Truth.


The Mind operates based on settled definitions: symbols, words, meanings, schemes, rules etc. The Soul doesn't use these categories, it doesn't speak or think, it feels and knows. The Mind is always as a chatter box. It considers everything has a rational explanation, and keeps controlling all the incoming information. When this control is weaken for a moment, the intuitive feelings and knowledge are getting through to the consciousness. When the Mind gets distracted, you may sense the feelings and the knowledge of the Soul. This is what is meant as whispering of the morning stars - a voice without a sound, a thinking without thoughts, a sound without a volume. You gasp something very vague. You do not think, but feel intuitively or simply know. The Soul has got an access to the Field of Information and can get answers to numerous questions, as well as save you from wrong and dangerous actions, if you only listen to its voice. For example, if you feel something unusual and uncomfortable before a flight, probably it is better to miss it. Or, when the first time you meet someone, you have to convince yourself that this person suits you, there is a great probability that this relationship will not work.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Practical Transurfing - 78 day challenge, Day 59

Making a decision


When you are thinking about how to behave in a certain situation, only your Mind is being activated. It analyzes advantages and disadvantages, and creates a certain concept, which is rational and persuading taking into account the other people's opinions. The forefeelings of your Soul are not taken into account though. In this sense the Mind is fast asleep. Let it be asleep, do not disturb it until it 'has made up its Mind'. And as soon as the decision is made, you should wake up and gasp what feelings you have had when a decision was made. Do not listen to anyone, the feeling of Soul comfort (in other words 'a peace of Mind') will guide you to understand what your Soul feels about this decision. 


Every time, when  you need to make any kind of decision, first, listen to the Voice of your Mind and, afterwards, to the feelings of your Soul. As soon as your Mind 'made up its Mind', your Soul will react either positively or negatively. If it is a negative reaction, you will experience a slight (spiritual) discomfort. When the decision was made, you had sensated an evanescent feeling. During that particular moment, your Mind was so busy with analysis, it didn't had time for any feelings. Now you have to remember that first initial feeling. If there was a discomfort pressure in a background of optimistic reasonings of your Mind, then it is a clear 'no' from your Soul. And if your Soul says 'no', but your Mind says 'yes', then you can easily refuse this decision. Your Soul will always know what it wants. There is a simple algorithm to find out if it is a 'no' from your Soul: if you need to persuade and talk yourself into something, then your Soul doesn't want it. If your Soul says 'yes' you do not need to talk yourself into this.